Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 6 Census Bureau Data Release

At 10:00 AM on Monday, December 6 the Census Bureau will be releasing the very first data related to the 2010 Census. These are five series of ESTIMATES of the nation’s population broken down by age, race, Hispanic Origin, and gender. The purpose of these estimates is to provide a set of comparisons to the 2010 Census population counts to help measure the quality of the census. This release will contain ONLY data for the entire nation – there will be NO state-level data released at this time.

The first state-level data will be a count of the state’s total population and number of seats states will get in the House of Representatives starting in 2013. (New York to Lose 1 or 2 Seats in House.) This information will be released later this month – by law it must be provided to the President by December 31, 2010.

Population counts by race, Hispanic Origin, and age (total and 18 and older) for all areas within the state will be released sometime in February or March 2011. Again there is a legal deadline of March 31, 2011 for these data to be delivered to the state.

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