Monday, February 23, 2015

FRASER - the Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research

Here are additions to FRASER since its relaunch in October 2014. FRASER - the Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research - has added thousands of new items to its free digital library of economics and banking history and offers a wealth of primary and secondary sources for economics and history researchers, and now offers integration with the citation manager Zotero.

Highlights of the new additions include:

* Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor Statistics from the late 1800s through the early 1920s, including historic reports on women and minority labor conditions

* Annual Reports of the FDIC from the first issue in 1934 through 2013

* Publications of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, including the magazine Econ Focus, the research journal Economic Quarterly, and more than 300 working papers

* Policy statements and speeches of the presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 1914 - present

* Thousands of additional statistical releases from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, 1914 - present

Find FRASER at Follow @FedFRASER on Twitter for updates on new collections and items added, interesting photos and documents, and glimpses into US economic history. FRASER librarians are also available at for reference questions.

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