One of my colleagues was looking for disability info for a county in New York State. She went to the 2006-2008 data in the American Community Survey, but found absolutely nothing. Curious, I peaked at the 2008 data and found table B18001 and successive information that was totally skipped in the 3-year data. Why WAS that?
The Census Bureau changed the questions on disability. As the state Department of Health notes: "These changes were significant enough that 2008 disability estimates are NOT comparable with previous [ones]. To ensure that there are no comparisons, the Bureau has elected to delete the old table numbers and add new table numbers. The new tables will also contain a footnote that states that the data should not be compared to previous years’ data."
Three-year data on disability will once again be available from the 2008-2010 ACS, when Census has gathered three years of data with the new questions. The five-year data on these questions will cover 2008-2012.
I guess data users just need to be very aware of breaks in various data series.
How to Use the Data: Comparing 2006-2008 ACS 3-Year Data.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Teen Assessment Program
Saturday, June 26, 2010
National Resource Directory for Military, Veteran Communities
The U.S. Departments of Defense, Labor and Veterans Affairs, as part of their continued commitment to our Nation’s Service Members, Veterans, and their families, launched a new and improved National Resource Directory.
This free online tool provides access to thousands of services, programs and resources at the national, state and community level. The Web site has a fresh look with many key features that include an improved search engine, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) news feeds, subscriptions to e-mail updates, and new subject areas such as “Homeless Assistance.”
The National Resource Directory is designed to serve a broad base of users including transitioning Service Members, Veterans, Wounded Warriors, and their families and caregivers. In addition, it is a useful tool for service providers who support Veterans and Service Members, such as Department of Defense Recovery Care Coordinators and AW2 Advocates, Veterans Affairs Federal Recovery Coordinators, health care providers and case managers at Veterans Service Organizations.
The new features allow the Military and Veteran community to identify and stay informed about the thousands of resources that are available to them as well as browse for information they may not have known about it the past. Additionally, a faster, more accurate search engine provides the tools to sort results by subject area, audience and government or non-government resources to ensure users locate exactly what they want, without having to sort through thousands of links themselves.
For more than a year, the National Resource Directory has provided Wounded Warriors, transitioning Service Members and Veterans, and those who support them with quick and easy access to resources they need. Resources on the National Resource Directory are vetted and must meet the participation policy standards before being added. This ensures that all the posted resources are relevant and from reputable sources.
The new National Resource Directory is simple, easy-to-navigate and even more relevant to the needs of the Wounded Warrior, Veteran and caregiver communities. It also contains “In the News” and “Spotlight” features to highlight important news and updates. To tell friends and family about the new National Resource Directory, use the “Bookmark and Share” function to post updates on more than 200 social media networks such as Facebook or Twitter.
This free online tool provides access to thousands of services, programs and resources at the national, state and community level. The Web site has a fresh look with many key features that include an improved search engine, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) news feeds, subscriptions to e-mail updates, and new subject areas such as “Homeless Assistance.”
The National Resource Directory is designed to serve a broad base of users including transitioning Service Members, Veterans, Wounded Warriors, and their families and caregivers. In addition, it is a useful tool for service providers who support Veterans and Service Members, such as Department of Defense Recovery Care Coordinators and AW2 Advocates, Veterans Affairs Federal Recovery Coordinators, health care providers and case managers at Veterans Service Organizations.
The new features allow the Military and Veteran community to identify and stay informed about the thousands of resources that are available to them as well as browse for information they may not have known about it the past. Additionally, a faster, more accurate search engine provides the tools to sort results by subject area, audience and government or non-government resources to ensure users locate exactly what they want, without having to sort through thousands of links themselves.
For more than a year, the National Resource Directory has provided Wounded Warriors, transitioning Service Members and Veterans, and those who support them with quick and easy access to resources they need. Resources on the National Resource Directory are vetted and must meet the participation policy standards before being added. This ensures that all the posted resources are relevant and from reputable sources.
The new National Resource Directory is simple, easy-to-navigate and even more relevant to the needs of the Wounded Warrior, Veteran and caregiver communities. It also contains “In the News” and “Spotlight” features to highlight important news and updates. To tell friends and family about the new National Resource Directory, use the “Bookmark and Share” function to post updates on more than 200 social media networks such as Facebook or Twitter.
Friday, June 25, 2010
ACS release schedule
Here is the rough time schedule for the release of the 2009-based American Community Survey products. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS A CHANGE IN ORDER OF THE PRODUCTS FOR THIS YEAR – THE 5-YEAR DATA WILL BE RELEASED BEFORE THE 3-YEAR DATA.
• Late September 2010 – 1-year (2009) ACS data
• November or December 2010 – 5-year (2005-2009) ACS data
• Early 2011 – 3-year (2007-2009) ACS data
The 5-year PUMS and Summary Files will be released after the data are on AFF.
• Late September 2010 – 1-year (2009) ACS data
• November or December 2010 – 5-year (2005-2009) ACS data
• Early 2011 – 3-year (2007-2009) ACS data
The 5-year PUMS and Summary Files will be released after the data are on AFF.
Personal Income Tax: Analysis of 2007 Personal Income Tax Returns
This report describes the prominent features of New York's personal income tax, with particular emphasis on the 2007 tax year. It also includes taxpayer profiles consisting of number of taxable returns, sources of income, federal adjustments, New York modifications, deductions, dependent exemptions, tax liability and credits by NYAGI class, filing status and=20 return type. In addition, it includes separate sections on income, itemized deduction amounts, exemptions, available credits and information on refundable credits. Finally, it compares statistics for 2007 with those from the prior year for most of these items.
Accompanying this report are statistical tables that cover resident, part-year resident, and nonresident returns. The report also includes a description and statistical information from returns filed by fiduciaries of estates and trusts.
Accompanying this report are statistical tables that cover resident, part-year resident, and nonresident returns. The report also includes a description and statistical information from returns filed by fiduciaries of estates and trusts.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Directory of Social Enterprises
"Social enterprise" is the new buzzword within both the nonprofit and for-profit world, encompassing an organization or individual who wish to do well while doing good – that is, achieving the "triple bottom line" of people, planet, profit (that is, having social, environmental, and economic goals).
Presented in partnership with Community Wealth Ventures and the Social Enterprise Alliance, this is a free, searchable directory of nonprofit social enterprises.
Search by keyword, type of organization (think interest/activity area), budget, type of venture, legal status, and/or state. Your search results typically include basic contact information, stated mission, and any specific enterprise or partner venture(s).
Presented in partnership with Community Wealth Ventures and the Social Enterprise Alliance, this is a free, searchable directory of nonprofit social enterprises.
Search by keyword, type of organization (think interest/activity area), budget, type of venture, legal status, and/or state. Your search results typically include basic contact information, stated mission, and any specific enterprise or partner venture(s).
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
New Employment Firm Size Data
U.S. Census Bureau employment size of firm data (partially funded by the Office of Advocacy) has been updated for 2007. The data list the number of firms, establishments, employment, annual payroll and receipts by firm size for regions by industry. The data is now available for a twenty-year period covering a few business cycles, making time series analysis a possibility.
Additions to the data for this year include county figures and more industry detail for states (going back to 1998.) Historic county figures are a future priority.
In 2007, similar to 2001, small firm (fewer than 500 employees) employment fell below large firm employment. If employment patterns after the 2001 downturn hold, small firm employment will pass large firm employment when the economy expands. With 2007 being an Economic Census year, receipts are available. Small firm receipts for 2007 were $11.4 trillion, representing 38 percent of private-sector receipts (similar to 2002's 39 percent.)
Data on firm turnover (starts and stops) and job churn by firm size will be available for 2006 to 2007 at a later date.
Should you need further information, please feel free to contact the Office of Advocacy at (202) 205-6533 or
Additions to the data for this year include county figures and more industry detail for states (going back to 1998.) Historic county figures are a future priority.
In 2007, similar to 2001, small firm (fewer than 500 employees) employment fell below large firm employment. If employment patterns after the 2001 downturn hold, small firm employment will pass large firm employment when the economy expands. With 2007 being an Economic Census year, receipts are available. Small firm receipts for 2007 were $11.4 trillion, representing 38 percent of private-sector receipts (similar to 2002's 39 percent.)
Data on firm turnover (starts and stops) and job churn by firm size will be available for 2006 to 2007 at a later date.
Should you need further information, please feel free to contact the Office of Advocacy at (202) 205-6533 or
Census Bureau Releases 2009 City Population Estimates
The U.S. Census Bureau released July 1, 2009, population estimates for each of the nation's incorporated places, including cities, boroughs and villages and minor civil divisions, such as towns and townships. The new estimates are not 2010 Census population counts. They are, however, the last estimates to use 2000 Census results as a base.
The city estimates are based on 2000 Census data updated to reflect legal boundary changes, housing unit estimates updated to reflect inputs such as building permits, and county population estimates. The county population estimates are produced by using administrative records — namely births, deaths, and domestic and international migration. The resulting county population estimates are then distributed to the areas within each county by using the updated housing unit estimates.
For more info, go here.
The city estimates are based on 2000 Census data updated to reflect legal boundary changes, housing unit estimates updated to reflect inputs such as building permits, and county population estimates. The county population estimates are produced by using administrative records — namely births, deaths, and domestic and international migration. The resulting county population estimates are then distributed to the areas within each county by using the updated housing unit estimates.
For more info, go here.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 is leading the way in democratizing public sector data and driving innovation. The data is being surfaced from many locations making the Government data stores available to researchers to perform their own analysis. Developers are finding good uses for the datasets, providing interesting and useful applications that allow for new views and public analysis. This is a work in progress, but this movement is spreading to cities, states, and other countries.
For instance, type in the word migration, and you'll get 2007-2008 State-to-State AND County-to-county Migration Inflow AND Outflow, along with the source of that data, which is the IRS.
Enter the term business and find Business Employment Dynamics, Licenses and Permits Search, and Loans Search.
For instance, type in the word migration, and you'll get 2007-2008 State-to-State AND County-to-county Migration Inflow AND Outflow, along with the source of that data, which is the IRS.
Enter the term business and find Business Employment Dynamics, Licenses and Permits Search, and Loans Search.
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Shocking Disparities of Labor Cost
Have you ever wondered how long does it take overseas to make the equivalent of US minimum wage?
See for yourself:Click the image to enlarge

Source: FixR
See for yourself:

Source: FixR
Saturday, June 19, 2010
EWG's 2010 Sunscreen Guide
The Environmental Working Group's 4th annual analysis of sunscreens includes safety and effectiveness ratings for 1,400 SPF products, including sunscreens and SPF-labeled lip balm, makeup, and moisturizer. Our ratings are based on an in-house compilation of standard industry, government and academic data sources and models that we have constructed over the past six years, and on a thorough review of the technical literature for sunscreen. We have incorporated sunscreen ratings from this investigation into our Skin Deep cosmetic safety database, an online consumer tool available at
You'll have to register, but it asks only for your e-mail and your ZIP Code.
You'll have to register, but it asks only for your e-mail and your ZIP Code.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Map: Where Americans Are Moving
From Forbes:
More than 10 million Americans moved from one county to another during 2008. The MAP visualizes those moves. Click on any county to see comings and goings: black lines indicate net inward movement, red lines net outward movement.
More than 10 million Americans moved from one county to another during 2008. The MAP visualizes those moves. Click on any county to see comings and goings: black lines indicate net inward movement, red lines net outward movement.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Pensions of State and Local Retirees Posted Online
A searchable database of pension allowances for 342,543 retired New York state and local government employees was posted this week on, the Empire Center's government transparency web site.
The database includes the names, retirement dates and, in most cases, the most recent employer for all individuals collecting pension benefits as of April 13 from the New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS), which includes the Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS) and Employee Retirement System (ERS). Among employees who retired in 2009, the average annual pension allowance was $62,208 for PFRS members and $25,947 for ERS members, according to data from NYSLRS.
The full text of this press release is available here.
Contact: Lise Bang-Jensen
The database includes the names, retirement dates and, in most cases, the most recent employer for all individuals collecting pension benefits as of April 13 from the New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS), which includes the Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS) and Employee Retirement System (ERS). Among employees who retired in 2009, the average annual pension allowance was $62,208 for PFRS members and $25,947 for ERS members, according to data from NYSLRS.
The full text of this press release is available here.
Contact: Lise Bang-Jensen
See Through New York
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A Child Born in 2009 Will Cost $222,360
A Child Born in 2009 Will Cost $222,360 to Raise According to USDA Report
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack released USDA’s new annual report, Expenditures on Children by Families, which finds that a middle-income family with a child born in 2009 can expect to spend about $222,360 ($286,050 if inflation is factored in) for food, shelter, and other necessities to raise that child over the next 17 years. This represents less than a 1 percent increase from 2008, the smallest increase this decade, which likely reflects the state of the economy. Expenses for child care, education, and health care saw the largest percentage increases related to child rearing from 2008, whereas expenses on transportation actually declined. This decline in transportation expenses on a child mitigated the increases in the other expenses.
This report, issued annually since 1960, is a valuable resource to courts and state governments in determining child support guidelines and foster care payments. For 2009, per child annual child-rearing expenses for a middle-income, two-parent family ranges from $11,650 to $13,530, depending on the age of the child.
The report by USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion notes that family income affects child rearing costs. A family earning less than $56,670 per year can expect to spend a total of $160,410 (in 2009 dollars) on a child from birth through high school. Parents with an income between $56,670 and $98,120 can expect to spend $222,360 and a family earning more than $98,120 can expect to spend $369,360. In 1960, a middle-income family could have expected to spend $25,230 ($182,860 in 2009 dollars) to raise a child through age 17.
Housing costs are the single largest expenditure on a child, averaging $70,020 or 31 percent of the total cost over 17 years. Child care and education (for those with the expense) and food were the next two largest expenses, accounting for 17 and 16 percent of the total expenditure. The estimates do not include the costs associated with pregnancy or the cost of a college education. In addition, some current-day costs, such as child care, were negligible in 1960.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack released USDA’s new annual report, Expenditures on Children by Families, which finds that a middle-income family with a child born in 2009 can expect to spend about $222,360 ($286,050 if inflation is factored in) for food, shelter, and other necessities to raise that child over the next 17 years. This represents less than a 1 percent increase from 2008, the smallest increase this decade, which likely reflects the state of the economy. Expenses for child care, education, and health care saw the largest percentage increases related to child rearing from 2008, whereas expenses on transportation actually declined. This decline in transportation expenses on a child mitigated the increases in the other expenses.
This report, issued annually since 1960, is a valuable resource to courts and state governments in determining child support guidelines and foster care payments. For 2009, per child annual child-rearing expenses for a middle-income, two-parent family ranges from $11,650 to $13,530, depending on the age of the child.
The report by USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion notes that family income affects child rearing costs. A family earning less than $56,670 per year can expect to spend a total of $160,410 (in 2009 dollars) on a child from birth through high school. Parents with an income between $56,670 and $98,120 can expect to spend $222,360 and a family earning more than $98,120 can expect to spend $369,360. In 1960, a middle-income family could have expected to spend $25,230 ($182,860 in 2009 dollars) to raise a child through age 17.
Housing costs are the single largest expenditure on a child, averaging $70,020 or 31 percent of the total cost over 17 years. Child care and education (for those with the expense) and food were the next two largest expenses, accounting for 17 and 16 percent of the total expenditure. The estimates do not include the costs associated with pregnancy or the cost of a college education. In addition, some current-day costs, such as child care, were negligible in 1960.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
2010 Shape of the Nation Report: Status of Physical Education in the USA
Source: National Association for Sport and Physical Education
The 2010 Shape of the Nation Report: Status of Physical Education in the USA provides a current picture of physical education (PE) in the American education system. Incremental improvements have been made in the last few years in the number of states that now require PE (17% increase) and student assessment in PE (26% increase). However, the Report shows that more states now allow waivers and exemptions from PE classes (77% increase) and no progress has been made in providing daily physical education in all grades K-12.
The 2010 Shape of the Nation Report: Status of Physical Education in the USA provides a current picture of physical education (PE) in the American education system. Incremental improvements have been made in the last few years in the number of states that now require PE (17% increase) and student assessment in PE (26% increase). However, the Report shows that more states now allow waivers and exemptions from PE classes (77% increase) and no progress has been made in providing daily physical education in all grades K-12.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Chatting with Kids about Being Online
The Federal Trade Commission is offering a FREE publication, "Net Cetera," to help parents talk to their kids about safely navigating the online world.
Net Cetera covers what you need to know, where to go for more information, and issues to raise with kids about living their lives online. encourages you to use this guide with your kids, in your school, at your PTA meeting, or anywhere else parents might gather. Feel free to order as many free copies as you'd like, put your own sticker on it, reprint sections in a newsletter or on a website, download a button or link to it, or even reprint it with your own logo. These materials are in the public domain.
Net Cetera covers what you need to know, where to go for more information, and issues to raise with kids about living their lives online. encourages you to use this guide with your kids, in your school, at your PTA meeting, or anywhere else parents might gather. Feel free to order as many free copies as you'd like, put your own sticker on it, reprint sections in a newsletter or on a website, download a button or link to it, or even reprint it with your own logo. These materials are in the public domain.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Tallest Mountain to Deepest Ocean Trench
Here's an infographic from Our Amazing Planet delineating the "highest heights and lowest lows of our planet, from the outer reaches of the atmosphere all the way to the bottom of the deepest oceanic trench in the world."
(Thanks, Jaquandor.)
(Thanks, Jaquandor.)
Opportunity Knocks
Here's a link that opens up the newest Census PSA, Opportunity is Knocking at Your Door. This PSA relates to the Non-Response Follow Up campaign that is currently being conducted thorughout the country by US Census Enumerators. These census takers are visiting the households that have yet to return their census questionnaires to make sure every community is counted accurately in the 2010 Census.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
5,639 Searchable Corporate Donation Records of $1,000,000+
The NonProfit Times and NOZASEARCH are pleased to provide access to a searchable database of more than 5,000 $1 million + corporate donations. This is a free service, and no registration is required. Simply search by business name, or create an instant list by location or cause. Your results can be exported directly into a spreadsheet with the click of a button.
Employer Costs for Employee Compensation
The latest Employer Costs for Employee Compensation news release was issued June 9, 2010 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Highlights are below.
Employers spent an average of $29.71 per hour worked for civilian compensation in March 2010. Wages and salaries averaged $20.67, and benefits averaged $9.04. Health insurance was the largest individual employer benefit cost at $2.48 per hour, which accounted for 8.3 percent of total compensation costs.
Employers spent an average of $29.71 per hour worked for civilian compensation in March 2010. Wages and salaries averaged $20.67, and benefits averaged $9.04. Health insurance was the largest individual employer benefit cost at $2.48 per hour, which accounted for 8.3 percent of total compensation costs.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Mixed Race Marriage More Common
The Pew Research Center analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau and found that in 2008, 14.6 percent of all marriages were between spouses of different races. Whites had the lowest rate of intermarriage at 9 percent, followed by blacks at 16 percent, Hispanics, 26 percent, and Asians, 31 percent.
More HERE.
More HERE.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Free Credit Scores?
In answer to a question about websites or other resources that offer free credit score information, as opposed to just free credit reports, a colleague pointed out a Wall Street Journal article, Credit Scores: Can You Get Them Free?
If you are curious about your credit scores, you may have tried one of the plethora of Web sites and services that offer some free credit information, then lure you into paying for your scores, usually as part of a credit-monitoring package.
Consumers are entitled by law to a free credit report— which is simply a record of your borrowing and repayment history — but the numerical scores derived from these reports will cost you, in part because credit-reporting agencies aren't required by law to provide them for free to consumers along with the reports.
Now, a handful of companies are launching services that give consumers at least a glimpse at their credit scores free of charge. The sites— Inc., Credit Karma Inc.'s and— also offer a window into the key factors that go into calculating your score, what you can do to improve them and how your credit stacks up against others. Last week, for example, launched a free Credit Report Card that shows consumers how they're likely to rate across five credit-scoring models.
So I tried them all out this morning.
My experience with was similar to the article writer's. I got A+ in four categories, and a C- in Account Mix, but that's only 10% of my score, so I received an A overall. It doesn't give absolute numbers but it does give ranges, and based on a report I had paid for, the FICO range of 750 to 850 appears correct. I waas mildly annoyed that to get my actual score I was requested to "upgrade" my account for "just $14.95 per month." gave me a slightly lower score, in large part because, of the seven criteria, I got 3 A's 2 B's (for 99.00% on-time payments, and 2 hard credit inquiries), and 2 N/A. Since they apparently have no information on my monthly income, they can't calculate my debt-to-income ratio. This site had some interesting statistics about credit here. I "have a score better than 167 million people," FWIW.
It took me a while to get to the end of, and it wasn't for lack of effort. Earlier, I'd get to a certain point and it'd claim I was leaving out some unstated information. So I tried it later, and I got tripped up by one of the verification questions - "How much is our monthly mortgage?" - and I must have picked the wrong range (hey, it comes out automatically out of the bank account; it's not as though I write a check.) BUT, you can then call the 800 number, give them additional information, and then get into the system. These results I also found accurate, AND, as the story reports, "One thing offers that the others don't is a free credit report — and the ability to dispute errors on your Experian credit report on the site."
As the page made clear:
Payment History is 35% of your score
Debt Usage 30% of your score - keep your debt under control!
Credit Age 15% of your score - "A long credit history shows that you are established."
Account Mix 10% of your score - Balance of credit and loan accounts on your credit report.
Inquiries 10% of your score - "Applying for new credit conservatively is helping to boost your score."
More interesting info:
If your revolving utilization stays under 10% you'll continue to earn almost all of the credit score points available in this category. As that percentage goes higher, your score will go lower. It's a common myth that you only need to keep your revolving utilization 50%. That's absolutely incorrect. 50% is better than 60% but not as good as 40%.
There's another common myth that could hurt you in this category: some people recommend that you should close your credit card accounts if you are not using them. However, closing accounts can cause your utilization rate to go up and your credit score to go down. If you have an old account you don't want, you may want to cut up the card but not close the account. Cutting up the card will prevent it from being used fraudulently but will leave you with the unused credit limit for your credit score.
This is the best description I've read on this. Closing old-line credit cards of long tenure could LOWER your score.
There are a few different ways you can maintain a low revolving utilization rate. Keeping credit card balances low, increasing your credit limits or opening new credit card accounts for extra borrowing power could all work. However, the safest option is to maintain low balances on the credit cards that you are currently using. Opening new accounts or requesting credit limit increases could have a negative impact on your credit score.
If you are curious about your credit scores, you may have tried one of the plethora of Web sites and services that offer some free credit information, then lure you into paying for your scores, usually as part of a credit-monitoring package.
Consumers are entitled by law to a free credit report— which is simply a record of your borrowing and repayment history — but the numerical scores derived from these reports will cost you, in part because credit-reporting agencies aren't required by law to provide them for free to consumers along with the reports.
Now, a handful of companies are launching services that give consumers at least a glimpse at their credit scores free of charge. The sites— Inc., Credit Karma Inc.'s and— also offer a window into the key factors that go into calculating your score, what you can do to improve them and how your credit stacks up against others. Last week, for example, launched a free Credit Report Card that shows consumers how they're likely to rate across five credit-scoring models.
So I tried them all out this morning.
My experience with was similar to the article writer's. I got A+ in four categories, and a C- in Account Mix, but that's only 10% of my score, so I received an A overall. It doesn't give absolute numbers but it does give ranges, and based on a report I had paid for, the FICO range of 750 to 850 appears correct. I waas mildly annoyed that to get my actual score I was requested to "upgrade" my account for "just $14.95 per month." gave me a slightly lower score, in large part because, of the seven criteria, I got 3 A's 2 B's (for 99.00% on-time payments, and 2 hard credit inquiries), and 2 N/A. Since they apparently have no information on my monthly income, they can't calculate my debt-to-income ratio. This site had some interesting statistics about credit here. I "have a score better than 167 million people," FWIW.
It took me a while to get to the end of, and it wasn't for lack of effort. Earlier, I'd get to a certain point and it'd claim I was leaving out some unstated information. So I tried it later, and I got tripped up by one of the verification questions - "How much is our monthly mortgage?" - and I must have picked the wrong range (hey, it comes out automatically out of the bank account; it's not as though I write a check.) BUT, you can then call the 800 number, give them additional information, and then get into the system. These results I also found accurate, AND, as the story reports, "One thing offers that the others don't is a free credit report — and the ability to dispute errors on your Experian credit report on the site."
As the page made clear:
Payment History is 35% of your score
Debt Usage 30% of your score - keep your debt under control!
Credit Age 15% of your score - "A long credit history shows that you are established."
Account Mix 10% of your score - Balance of credit and loan accounts on your credit report.
Inquiries 10% of your score - "Applying for new credit conservatively is helping to boost your score."
More interesting info:
If your revolving utilization stays under 10% you'll continue to earn almost all of the credit score points available in this category. As that percentage goes higher, your score will go lower. It's a common myth that you only need to keep your revolving utilization 50%. That's absolutely incorrect. 50% is better than 60% but not as good as 40%.
There's another common myth that could hurt you in this category: some people recommend that you should close your credit card accounts if you are not using them. However, closing accounts can cause your utilization rate to go up and your credit score to go down. If you have an old account you don't want, you may want to cut up the card but not close the account. Cutting up the card will prevent it from being used fraudulently but will leave you with the unused credit limit for your credit score.
This is the best description I've read on this. Closing old-line credit cards of long tenure could LOWER your score.
There are a few different ways you can maintain a low revolving utilization rate. Keeping credit card balances low, increasing your credit limits or opening new credit card accounts for extra borrowing power could all work. However, the safest option is to maintain low balances on the credit cards that you are currently using. Opening new accounts or requesting credit limit increases could have a negative impact on your credit score.
100 Great Ways to Spend Your Gap Year
Taking a time off for financial or personal reasons has become increasingly common amongst college students. But many worry that these gap years in between semesters or degrees may lead to lessened productivity and a compromised professional and academic future. This obviously doesn’t have to be the case! Free of scholastic shackles, students taking a year or 2 away from school have plenty of amazing opportunities to learn more about themselves and the world, make a difference in society, network, channel their creativity and intellect, and even earn a bit of extra money without making a commitment to a full-time position. Time away from school does not equate to time away from personal growth and opportunities to gain valuable experience to bolster their future careers.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Planning for College Financially
Data Detective Dale pointed this out to me. He thinks this is important to share, and I quite concur. Moreover, this being the graduation season, it’s timely !
He has discovered that many parents are quite surprised about how much they are expected to contribute to their kids’ college costs. Dale writes, "This is referred to as their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). What typically happens is that parents bumble along (I know we did) until their child is a junior in HS and then they go through the process of applying to colleges and for financial aid at the website when WHAM >>>> - they get a reality check upside the head when it comes to how much the federal government thinks THEY can contribute toward attending school." I can imagine there are MANY parents sitting in financial aid offices with tears in their eyes over this.
What can the schools or government do to reduce this sticker shock when it comes to EFCs? Dale notes, "Figuring out financial aid has always been a bit of a 'black box'. You put a bunch of numbers in and out comes your EFC with no understanding of what it is or how it comes about.
"Lo and behold, there is now a way to determine your EFC at the FAFSA website. It is called fafsa4caster. Basically you can punch in info for the current year as though your child were applying to a college right now, and get an EFC figured out for you. It takes maybe 15 minutes to do and requires you to answer a TON of questions, including tax and investment questions. (I estimated some just playing around with the website to see how it works, you could do the same if you wanted to get a ballpark EFC for your family.)
"Regardless, it is exactly what I have always maintained people should be able to do. Even better, it allows people to see their EFC right now, even if their kids are young and not even in kindergarten, let alone high school or college. So my challenge to everyone is to try it, and be prepared to hear the collective gasps of parents or perspective parents around the web as they see what their EFC actually is !
"OK, go to and pick option "B" to get started. Remember, you’ll need some basics like your adjusted gross income and how much you paid in taxes last year. Having other info, like any 529 Education account balances, or 401K contributions is also good to have. But even in the worst case, you can just punch in some estimates to see what ballpark your EFC will fall in."
Dale believes that putting this information on this site "could help people reassess what they are doing to prepare for their kids' futures!"
He has discovered that many parents are quite surprised about how much they are expected to contribute to their kids’ college costs. Dale writes, "This is referred to as their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). What typically happens is that parents bumble along (I know we did) until their child is a junior in HS and then they go through the process of applying to colleges and for financial aid at the website when WHAM >>>> - they get a reality check upside the head when it comes to how much the federal government thinks THEY can contribute toward attending school." I can imagine there are MANY parents sitting in financial aid offices with tears in their eyes over this.
What can the schools or government do to reduce this sticker shock when it comes to EFCs? Dale notes, "Figuring out financial aid has always been a bit of a 'black box'. You put a bunch of numbers in and out comes your EFC with no understanding of what it is or how it comes about.
"Lo and behold, there is now a way to determine your EFC at the FAFSA website. It is called fafsa4caster. Basically you can punch in info for the current year as though your child were applying to a college right now, and get an EFC figured out for you. It takes maybe 15 minutes to do and requires you to answer a TON of questions, including tax and investment questions. (I estimated some just playing around with the website to see how it works, you could do the same if you wanted to get a ballpark EFC for your family.)
"Regardless, it is exactly what I have always maintained people should be able to do. Even better, it allows people to see their EFC right now, even if their kids are young and not even in kindergarten, let alone high school or college. So my challenge to everyone is to try it, and be prepared to hear the collective gasps of parents or perspective parents around the web as they see what their EFC actually is !
"OK, go to and pick option "B" to get started. Remember, you’ll need some basics like your adjusted gross income and how much you paid in taxes last year. Having other info, like any 529 Education account balances, or 401K contributions is also good to have. But even in the worst case, you can just punch in some estimates to see what ballpark your EFC will fall in."
Dale believes that putting this information on this site "could help people reassess what they are doing to prepare for their kids' futures!"
Sunday, June 6, 2010
2009 MTA Payroll Shows Fewer Employees, Higher Spending
A searchable database of the complete Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) payroll for 2009 - including names, titles, base pay rates and total pay received by 77,191 individuals - shows an increase of nearly 3 percent in the average total pay of MTA employees last year.
The updated payroll file is now available at, the government transparency website sponsored by the Empire Center for New York State Policy.
The full text of this press release is available here.
The updated payroll file is now available at, the government transparency website sponsored by the Empire Center for New York State Policy.
The full text of this press release is available here.
Tax increases push states' revenues up, Rockefeller Institute reports
States’ overall tax revenues rose in the first quarter of calendar 2010 on a year-over-year basis, marking the first such gain since the third quarter of 2008, according to preliminary data in a new report from the Rockefeller Institute of Government.
Despite the overall growth in revenues, however, a majority of states still saw declines, according to Institute Senior Policy Analyst Lucy Dadayan, the report’s author. The increase in total collections was mostly attributable to revenue growth driven by legislated tax increases in just two states — New York and California. If those two states are removed from the calculations, total collections across the nation show a 2.2 percent decline in the first quarter of 2010. And even with the boost from those two states, overall revenues remain significantly below pre-recession levels.
Further, early indications of revenues in the April-June quarter — marking the end of the fiscal year for 46 states — are not promising, as the important April collections from income taxes showed a 7.6 percent year-over-year decline.
For the full report, visit the Institute’s Web site. The report was covered this morning in The New York Times.
Despite the overall growth in revenues, however, a majority of states still saw declines, according to Institute Senior Policy Analyst Lucy Dadayan, the report’s author. The increase in total collections was mostly attributable to revenue growth driven by legislated tax increases in just two states — New York and California. If those two states are removed from the calculations, total collections across the nation show a 2.2 percent decline in the first quarter of 2010. And even with the boost from those two states, overall revenues remain significantly below pre-recession levels.
Further, early indications of revenues in the April-June quarter — marking the end of the fiscal year for 46 states — are not promising, as the important April collections from income taxes showed a 7.6 percent year-over-year decline.
For the full report, visit the Institute’s Web site. The report was covered this morning in The New York Times.
state governments,
State of New York,
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Census Bureau Seeks Comments on Supplemental Poverty Measurement
The Census Bureau has issued a request for comments on the approach to developing a Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) presented in the report “Observations from the Interagency Technical Working Group on Developing a Supplemental Poverty Measure.” The Working Group’s report is available online here. The SPM is an experimental measure that defines income thresholds and resources in a different manner than the official poverty measure; it will not replace the official measure or impact allocations based on that measure. Regarding the SPM, the Census Bureau would like comments on:
• Methods and data sources used to geographically adjust poverty thresholds
• Methods and data sources used to adjust resources to account for child care and other work-related expenses
• Methods and data sources used to adjust resources to account for medical out-of-pocket expenses
• Methods and data sources used to impute dollar values for in-kind benefits and taxes
Written comments should be submitted on or before June 25, 2010 to or David Johnson, Housing and Household Economics Statistics Division, Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road, Stop 8500, Washington, DC 20233-8500.
• Methods and data sources used to geographically adjust poverty thresholds
• Methods and data sources used to adjust resources to account for child care and other work-related expenses
• Methods and data sources used to adjust resources to account for medical out-of-pocket expenses
• Methods and data sources used to impute dollar values for in-kind benefits and taxes
Written comments should be submitted on or before June 25, 2010 to or David Johnson, Housing and Household Economics Statistics Division, Census Bureau, 4600 Silver Hill Road, Stop 8500, Washington, DC 20233-8500.
Friday, June 4, 2010
2007 Economic Census Workshops in Albany, Syracuse, NYC
The Census Bureau is conducting a half-day workshop for data users on the 2007 Economic Census.
• New users learn about the range of data about businesses available from the Census Bureau, including both the Economic Census and more frequent data sets.
• Experienced users learn about new features of the data, comparability issues, and qualifications of the data.
• Attendees gain skills in accessing Economic Census data in American FactFinder.
• Attendees have the opportunity to tell others about their own practical applications of the data and learn what others are doing.
Albany, NY
Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Cost: FREE
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany
CESTM Auditorium, Building 251
257 Fuller Road
Albany, NY 12203
Register HERE
Additional Workshops in New York State:
Additional workshops are planned for New York City (June 10 and 11, 2010) and Syracuse (June 24, 2010). For details about these workshops see HERE.
For more information contact:
Melissa Preston, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, (518) 437-8680 or
• College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany
• New York State Department of Economic Development
• New York State Small Business Development Center
• New users learn about the range of data about businesses available from the Census Bureau, including both the Economic Census and more frequent data sets.
• Experienced users learn about new features of the data, comparability issues, and qualifications of the data.
• Attendees gain skills in accessing Economic Census data in American FactFinder.
• Attendees have the opportunity to tell others about their own practical applications of the data and learn what others are doing.
Albany, NY
Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Cost: FREE
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany
CESTM Auditorium, Building 251
257 Fuller Road
Albany, NY 12203
Register HERE
Additional Workshops in New York State:
Additional workshops are planned for New York City (June 10 and 11, 2010) and Syracuse (June 24, 2010). For details about these workshops see HERE.
For more information contact:
Melissa Preston, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, (518) 437-8680 or
• College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany
• New York State Department of Economic Development
• New York State Small Business Development Center
The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides some information about the number of librarians in the US. Also, OCLC provides some global library statistics that I find interesting.
Number of Libraries in the United States
Number of Libraries in the United States
Thursday, June 3, 2010
In their third annual survey to measure and monitor consumer behaviors that have an impact on the environment, the National Geographic Society and the international polling firm GlobeScan have found that environmentally friendly behavior among consumers in 10 out of 17 countries has increased over the past year. The survey results show that environmentally friendly consumer behavior, as measured by the Greendex, has now increased from 2008 levels in all but one of the 14 countries polled in both 2008 and 2010. By environmentally friendly consumer behavior, we mean people’s transportation patterns, household energy and resource use, consumption of food and everyday consumer goods, and what consumers are doing to minimize the impact these activities have on the environment.
Greendex 2010: Consumer Choice and the Environment — A Worldwide Tracking Survey is a comprehensive measure of consumer behavior in 65 areas relating to housing, transportation, food and consumer goods. Greendex 2010 ranks average consumers in 17 countries according to the environmental impact of their consumption patterns and is the only survey of its kind.
As in 2008, the top-scoring consumers of 2010 are in the developing economies of India, Brazil, China, in descending order. American consumers’ behavior still ranks as the least sustainable of all countries surveyed since the inception of the survey three years ago, followed by Canadian, French and British consumers. Consumers in emerging economies continue to round out the top tier of the Greendex ranking, while the six lowest scores were all earned by consumers in industrialized countries.
Greendex 2010: Consumer Choice and the Environment — A Worldwide Tracking Survey is a comprehensive measure of consumer behavior in 65 areas relating to housing, transportation, food and consumer goods. Greendex 2010 ranks average consumers in 17 countries according to the environmental impact of their consumption patterns and is the only survey of its kind.
As in 2008, the top-scoring consumers of 2010 are in the developing economies of India, Brazil, China, in descending order. American consumers’ behavior still ranks as the least sustainable of all countries surveyed since the inception of the survey three years ago, followed by Canadian, French and British consumers. Consumers in emerging economies continue to round out the top tier of the Greendex ranking, while the six lowest scores were all earned by consumers in industrialized countries.
National Geographic
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Beloit College Mindset List for the entering college class of 2013
"This is the 12th year that Beloit College has assembled these observations that help to identify the experiences that have shaped the lives—and formed the mindset—of students starting their post-secondary education this fall.
"The Mindset List is not a chronological listing of things that happened in 1991, the year they were born. It is instead an effort to identify the worldview of 18 year-olds in the fall of 2009. Of course, our students come from many backgrounds and different traditions and these generalizations may not apply to all. The list identifies the experiences and event horizons of students and is not meant to reflect on their preparatory education.
"It is also not deliberately designed to make readers feel really old!"
Ah, but it DOES!
"The Mindset List is not a chronological listing of things that happened in 1991, the year they were born. It is instead an effort to identify the worldview of 18 year-olds in the fall of 2009. Of course, our students come from many backgrounds and different traditions and these generalizations may not apply to all. The list identifies the experiences and event horizons of students and is not meant to reflect on their preparatory education.
"It is also not deliberately designed to make readers feel really old!"
Ah, but it DOES!
Reform for the Next Census
New York Times (May 31, 2010)
When a bipartisan group of House and Senate lawmakers introduced a bill this year to improve the census, passage seemed inevitable. With the 2010 count under way, people were paying attention. And the bill, which grants the Census Bureau director more independence, is a smart response to the chronic problems that have plagued census planning: fragmented leadership, political interference and not enough financing.
The Obama administration, which should be supporting the bill, is instead raising objections. It has objected to a provision that would allow the census director to report directly to the commerce secretary. It also has objected to a provision that would require the director to send Congress the bureau's budget request at the same time it goes to the White House.
The commerce secretary, Gary Locke, lodged the objections with one of the bill's co-sponsors, Senator Thomas Carper, a Democrat of Delaware, a day before the committee on the census met in April to consider the legislation. The committee approved it anyway. But if the administration continues to fight, the reform effort could stall.
More HERE.
New York Times (May 31, 2010)
When a bipartisan group of House and Senate lawmakers introduced a bill this year to improve the census, passage seemed inevitable. With the 2010 count under way, people were paying attention. And the bill, which grants the Census Bureau director more independence, is a smart response to the chronic problems that have plagued census planning: fragmented leadership, political interference and not enough financing.
The Obama administration, which should be supporting the bill, is instead raising objections. It has objected to a provision that would allow the census director to report directly to the commerce secretary. It also has objected to a provision that would require the director to send Congress the bureau's budget request at the same time it goes to the White House.
The commerce secretary, Gary Locke, lodged the objections with one of the bill's co-sponsors, Senator Thomas Carper, a Democrat of Delaware, a day before the committee on the census met in April to consider the legislation. The committee approved it anyway. But if the administration continues to fight, the reform effort could stall.
More HERE.
Barack Obama,
Census Bureau,
New York Times
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
James O'Keefe: From ACORN to Census
Conservative activist's latest target is the Census Bureau. Interview on Good Morning, America, 06/01/2010 (10:39) Doesn't actually get to the Census until about 7:50, about which he alleges waste via overpayments to Census workers.
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