As a direct result of customer feedback, the U.S. Census Bureau recently updated two key tools on census.gov with new features to make accessing statistics easier than ever before.
With an improved search feature generating better results on census.gov, users can discover a wealth of information and visualizations just by typing key words, such as “median income,” “population” or a particular NAICS code. For example, a search of “California population” will display the latest population statistics along with other popular statistics for California. Users are also able to filter their search by other content types, such as image and videos.
The Census Bureau also recently debuted an updated beta version for one of its most popular Web tools, QuickFacts. The tool now provides multiple data views, including viewing charts, maps and statistics for up to six geographies at once, and the ability to share on social media, embed and download content. Statistics are also now available for Puerto Rico and townships. During the QuickFacts beta period, users can submit feedback through the “ Tell Us What You Think” link that is available on the application.
These updated tools follow recent innovations, such as the development of the Open API and three mobile apps. These improvements are aimed at making the Census Bureau’s statistics on our growing and changing nation more accessible to the public than ever before.
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