Monday, April 21, 2014

Alternativ​es to Westlaw

For federal court cases, including bankruptcy courts, one can get court filings online at One has to register for it,, though there is no registration fee. However, all registered users will be charged as follows:
•Use of web-based PACER systems will generate an $.10 per page charge.
•Audio files of court hearings retrieved via PACER will generate a $2.40 per file charge.
It is not as easy to search as Westlaw, and many times you need to have a case number.

For actual reported court opinions - appellate cases for the most part, including the New York Court of Appeals, the state's highest court - you can find a lot of those on the professional site for Findlaw at This site is available on the free Internet.

Since most trial court opinions are not reported or published, one should look for news stories in newspaper databases in
the region where the case took place.

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